One of the main problems of many Russian language learners is that they cannot understand fast spoken speech because in real life we speak fast and we can also use some reductions, slang and idioms that you need to learn from the context. And today we will watch a video from a Russian late-night talk show called Вечерний Ургант (Evening Urgant). I think that it’s a great listening practice for you. Here is what we will do. I will play a short excerpt from the video, you will try to understand as much as you can without any subtitles. Then I will play the same excerpt with subtitles, repeat all sentences in slow Russian and analyse all words and expressions to learn. The list of these words and expressions you will be able to find on my website where you can also check how well you learned these words with a fun quiz.
And for today’s review, I have chosen an interview with Milla Jovovich. This wonderful American actress is half-Russian, half-serbian. She was born in Ukraine and emigrated first to London when she was 5, and then to Los Angeles. She speaks fluent Russian with some mistakes and she even starred in one Russian movie. And she is soooo cute and funny. I am sure you will like this lesson. Ну что, вы готовы? Поехали!
Here is a short quiz to check how well you learned new Russian words and expressions from the interview.
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