Different ways to introduce yourself and others in Russian

If you have just begun to learn Russian language, you understand that in order to communicate with Russian natives you need to learn how to introduce yourself in Russian. Though, you should also know the ways how to introduce others in Russian language. These are the key topics that you need to learn first of all.
However, you also need to make sure first that you know how to greet in Russian as well as how to say goodbye. Otherwise, your self-introduction will not be as complete as it should be. So, I recommend you to first learn the basic phrases in Russian.
There are different ways to introduce in Russian.
I suggest you to watch the following video in order to learn how to introduce somebody, to make a self-introduction, some questions to get acquainted, useful expressions to get acquainted, expressions to use when you already know a person, expressions to show how happy you are to get acquainted as well as some interesting cultural insights. And don't forget to take a quiz after watching the video (on this page below the summary of a video).
Here is what you are going to learn from this post (click for a quick access):
Free Russian Video Lesson "How to introduce yourself in Russian"
Here are the phrases to introduce yourself and others
in Russian:
Introducing someone in Russian
1. Знакомься (znakóm'sya) - Get acquainted
"ЗНАКОМЬСЯ" is an informal imperative form of the verb "ЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ" (to get acquainted). It is a like a call to action to let somebody get acquainted with another person.
When you meet new people, you can hear somebody using this word to introduce you to others (or vice versa). If you want to introduce somebody, make sure that you use this form only with individuals you know well:
- Friends, family members and good acquaintances;
- Colleagues not older than you
2. Знакомьтесь (znakóm'tes') - Get acquainted
"ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ" is a formal / plural imperative form of the verb "ЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ"
(to get acquainted).
As a plural (both formal and informal) form you can use ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ with:
- Friends, family members and good acquaintances;
- Colleagues;
- Other types of acquaintances.
As a singular formal way you can use ЗНАКОМЬТЕСЬ with:
- People in authorities (boss, professor, etc.)
- People older than you (colleagues, acquaintances);
- People you don't know well.
Self-introduction in Russian
3. Позвольте представиться (pazvól'te pritstávitsa) - Let me introduce myself
ПОЗВОЛЬТЕ ПРЕДСТАВИТЬСЯ is a very formal and official way to introduce yourself
You can use a word РАЗРЕШИТЕ (razrishite) = "allow me" instead of ПОЗВОЛЬТЕ (pazvól'te) to sound even more official
ОТЧЕСТВО (ótchestva) middle name / patronymic
ИМЯ (imya) first name
Называй(те) меня по имени (nazyvái(te) minyá pa imeni) - Call me by my first name.
Называй(те) меня по имени-отчеству (nazyvái(te) minyá pa imeni-ótchestu) - Call me by my first and middle names.
НАЗВАТЬ В ЧЕСТЬ... (nazvát's f chest') - To name after somebody
ФАМИЛИЯ (familiya) Surname
Как ваша фамилия? (kak vásha familiya?) - What is your surname?
Как ваша фамилия? (kak vásha familiya?) - What is your surname?
Some questions to get acquainted in Russian
4. Как вас зовут? (kak vas zavút) - What is your name?
КАК ВАС ЗОВУТ? is the most common way to ask somebody's name.
It is formal and it is better to use it with any groups of people you meet for the first time (except for children).
Как тебя зовут? (kak tibyá zavút) - What is your name?
КАК ТЕБЯ ЗОВУТ? is an informal way to enquire somebody's name
Use this form with children, people younger than you or the same age (depends)
You might also hear a colloquial version "КАК ЗВАТЬ?" (kak zvat') in cartoons, movies (not used in speech anymore).
Useful expressions to get acquainted in Russian
5. Может вы нас познакомите? (Mózhet vy nas paznakómite?) - Maybe you will introduce us to each other?
It is a formal and polite request to introduce you to a person you don't know and want to get acquainted with.
Может ты нас познакомишь? (Mózhet ty nas paznakómish?) -To make it informal just switch ВЫ with ТЫ and ПОЗНАКОМИТЕ with ПОЗНАКОМИШЬ.
6. Давайте знакомиться (Daváite znakómit'sya) - Let's get acquainted
ДАВАЙТЕ ЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ is a great way to let somebody know that you want to get acquainted and know them better.
Russian expressions to use when you already know a person
7. Простите, мы знакомы? (prastite, my znakómy?) - Excuse me, do we know each other?
8. Мы с вами где-то встречались? (my s vámi gdéta fstrechális'?) Have we already met?
9. Я вас узнал (masculine form) - ya vas uznál - I have recognized you
Я вас узнала (feminineform) - ya vas uznála - I have recognized you
10. Мы уже знакомы (my uzhé znakómy) - We already know each other
11. Рад(А) познакомиться (rad(a) paznakómit'sya) - I am glad to get acquainted
РАД(А) ПОЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ is a very nice and polite way to say that you are happy to get acquainted with a person.
Another version is ПРИЯТНО ПОЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ (priyátna paznakómit'sya) - Pleased to get acquainted.
Often reduced to just
(ОЧЕНЬ) ПРИЯТНО = (óchin' priyátna)
As a follow-up reply to "ПРИЯТНО ПОЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ" and its other variations.
You can use a short phrase "И МНЕ" (i mne) - me too
Otherwise, if you want to impress people with your knowledge, you can use this phrase
"МНЕ ТОЖЕ ОЧЕНЬ ПРИЯТНО С ВАМИ ПОЗНАКОМИТЬСЯ" (mne tózhe óchin' priyátna s vámi paznakómit'sya) - I am very glad to meet you, too
12. Добро пожаловать (Dabró pazhálavat') - Welcome
ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ is a great way to greet a new person in a team (at work, at courses, neighbours, etc.).
You can find the audio files with pronunciation of these Russian phrases in my free guide 'Essential Russian Words and Expressions to Understand Spoken Russian'.
It's also very important to know how to pronounce Russian words correctly as not every Russian letter is pronounced the same way as it's written. There are certain Russian pronunciation rules that are really easy to learn.
Great! Now you are ready to take a quiz to find out how well you can introduce yourself and others in Russian.
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Hello! My name is Mila and I am a founder of Hack Your Russian language platform. You can find me here:
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